Guilty pleasures

Mills and Boons, Temptation series... hidden under pillows and read furtively in late afternoons
Reality TV there anything like it?
Old sitcoms...the one's you know by heart
Chocolate chip entire box instead of lunch so many ways, molten, warm, dark, decadent, intense, wicked. Dripping off my fingers as I lick them by one *Shivers*
French fries, potato chips, mashed potatoes, baked potato, aloo paratha with sweet curds, coriander chutney and mango pickle...any form of potato for that matter.
Playing hookey...when there's nothing wrong with you but its raining and there's 'Harry met Sally' on TV
Archies and Jughead...Double Digest
Gossip..juicy, detailed..over cups of masala chai
Cheese...greasy, melting, oozing, sweating on top of a crispy brick oven pizza
Dan Brown novels
Breakfast in bed...made by a loved one
Spontanous shopping trips...chicken soup for the wannabe fashionista
Fried chicken, fried onions...well, fried anything
Whispered conversations late into the night with a new love

Sums up the three major loves in my life, TV, Food, Books.