Just how long....

...does it take to forget someone you loved.

To not think about them everytime you are alone with your thoughts.

To fight the urge to cry everytime you stand under the shower.

To not feel your heart twist in pain everytime you hear that name.

To not go 'invisible' in the chat room, just so you can see if THEY are online.

To dress up, brush your hair till it shines, and not hope you will run into them, you know, casually, on the street.

To stop reliving the last time you said 'Bye' and tacked on a 'Take care', knowing you mean it this time more than ever.

To wake up happy and then be slammed in the gut by how much you miss THEM.

To stop hoping you will be distracted by something, anything, even if it is just for a moment.

To muster the ability to say 'Fine' convincingly when someone asks 'How are you?'

Do they ever realise you are thinking of them, does your thought bring a smile to their face? Or does it pucker up in that adorable frown you loved to kiss away?

Just how long does it take till it doesn't hurt when you breathe.