An eye for an eye

I don't fucking care if the world goes blind. I want justice. I want vengeance.
I want every single one of those mother fuckers to die. A slow, drawn out, painful death.
I don't care about being compassionate, I don't care about my uncharitable thoughts. I will not feel guilty for wishing the plague on them.
I watched an entire night, fear striking my heart cold. I averted my eyes and shed quiet tears when strangers asked me if I knew anybody in Bombay.
I smiled through dinner, making sure everybody had a good time. I made polite conversation.
I tried to move on.
I failed, miserably.

I cannot forgive or forget this time.
I saw my country burning, repeatedly...the news in an endless loop. A nightmare that refuses to let me wake up.


I totally agree with you. Am completely dazed and shocked and very very angry. And I understand what you say.

So relieved to see your comment! Best wishes to you and Kainaz.

Thanks for your heartfelt wishes. Kainaz and i are doing good. Cheers, Kalyan

tit for tat is required.dat's true.